King Charles and Prince William no Longer Treated Harry as Trusted Family Member After Shock Oprah Winfrey interview

King Charles and Prince William no Longer Treated Harry as Trusted Family Member After Shock Oprah Winfrey interview :Following Prince Harry’s shocking television interview, King Charles and Prince William were compelled to enact a new policy regarding him.

In March 2021, the Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan Markle had a lengthy conversation about the royal family with Oprah Winfrey. Among the allegations they made were that a family member expressed worry about the skin tone of their unborn boy, that Kate Middleton unexpectedly resigned from her royal duties, and that she allegedly made an American actress cry before her wedding.

According to reports, the sit-down conversation, which was broadcast in various countries across the world, including Australia, astounded His Majesty and the next in line to the throne.
According to royal biographer Robert Jobson, the father and son were “very outraged by Harry’s attitude” and agreed they could “never see Harry alone again.”

King Charles and Prince William no longer treated Harry as trusted family member after shock Oprah Winfrey interview

The Royal Household

They then came up with a strategy, according to a source from the royal household, who was quoted in sections of Mr. Jobson’s latest book, Our King, which appeared in The Daily Mail.
The unidentified former employee claimed, “They decided they would no longer treat Harry as a trusted member of the family.”
“They wouldn’t go meet Harry by themselves. “There would need to be someone else in the room at all times.”

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Since Prince Harry made the decision to move to Los Angeles with his young family for “privacy,” the three of them have had a very rocky relationship. There, Charles and Meghan started working on a number of multi-million dollar media initiatives where they critiqued the establishment while sharing their experiences as British royals in a Netflix documentary, a podcast agreement with Spotify, and the Duke’s book, Spare.

Harry also seemed to poke fun at his brother and wife in the six-part Netflix documentary, saying that males at the institution frequently wed those “who would fit the mold” rather than those they were “destined to be with.” Moreover, he thought that because Meghan was an actress, the royal family was sure that their relationship would not endure.

The Father-of-two Further

The father-of-two further claimed that the King’s staff leaked information about his and Meghan Markle’s intended transfer to Canada after they renounced their royal responsibilities; however, the relocation was later abandoned as a result of extensive media coverage. At a meeting with the Queen and their father in January 2020, Prince Harry said that William yelled at him about how he would proceed as a non-working royal.

king charles and prince harry

He desired to be “half in and half out” of the family, working independently with Meghan but yet being willing to assist his grandma. It was terrible, he said, to hear his brother yell at me, hear his father say things that were plainly untrue, and have his grandma just sit there.

The revelation follows the book’s assertion that Kate confided in a senior royal, claiming that the walkabout with Prince Harry and Meghan was “one of the toughest things” she had to do. Thousands of mourners had congregated outside Windsor Castle two days after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II to lay flowers and pay their condolences at the time in question.

Princes William and Harry Exited with Their Spouses

Princes William and Harry exited with their spouses and proceeded side by side to Cambridge Gate where they observed the notes and flowers left for Her Majesty. This was the first time they had been seen together since their grandfather’s funeral in April 2021. With the persistent rumors’ of a conflict between the two spouses, it was said that the elder brother had the notion to portray a cohesive family dynamic.

Robert Johnson, a seasoned royal journalist, asserts that Princess Kate struggled with the reunion for the walkabout. In his latest book Our King, which describes other royal incidents that were never told, he claimed that Catherine “later acknowledged to a senior royal that, such was the sour feeling between the two spouses, the combined walkabout was one of the toughest things she’d ever had to do.”

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