Yo pedí disculpas

Pedir Disculpas Past Tense: Learn How to Apologize in Spanish

Apologizing is an important part of communication in any language, and in Spanish, the verb pedir disculpas is commonly used to express regret or ask for forgiveness. When learning Spanish, understanding how to correctly use pedir disculpas in the past tense is crucial for conveying apologies regarding past actions or events. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide to using pedir disculpas in the past tense, exploring its different conjugations, contexts, and nuances. Additionally, we will provide key learning resources and address frequently asked questions to ensure a solid understanding of this essential phrase.

Understanding Pedir Disculpas in the Past Tense

The phrase pedir disculpas translates directly to “to ask for forgiveness” or “to apologize” in English. Pedir is the verb for “to ask” or “to request,” while disculpas means “forgiveness” or “apologies.” To use pedir disculpas in the past tense, it is necessary to understand how to conjugate pedir in the various past tenses of the Spanish language. In this post, we will focus on the most commonly used past tenses: the preterite, imperfect, and past perfect.

Key Spanish Past Tenses for Pedir Disculpas

Before diving into specific conjugations, it’s important to recognize the three main past tenses in Spanish that are relevant for pedir disculpas:

  1. Preterite Tense: Used to describe completed actions in the past.
  2. Imperfect Tense: Used to describe habitual or ongoing actions in the past, often setting the stage or context for another event.
  3. Past Perfect (Pluscuamperfecto): Used to describe an action that had already occurred before another action in the past.

1. Pedir Disculpas in the Preterite Tense

The preterite tense is used to talk about specific actions that have been completed in the past. When using pedir disculpas in this tense, you’re referring to a moment in the past when you asked for forgiveness or apologized.

Conjugation of Pedir in the Preterite Tense

The verb pedir is irregular in the preterite tense, meaning its stem changes slightly in certain forms. Here’s how you conjugate pedir in the preterite tense:

  • Yo pedí disculpas (I apologized)
  • Tú pediste disculpas (You apologized)
  • Él/ella/usted pidió disculpas (He/she/you apologized)
  • Nosotros/nosotras pedimos disculpas (We apologized)
  • Vosotros/vosotras pedisteis disculpas (You all apologized)
  • Ellos/ellas/ustedes pidieron disculpas (They/you all apologized)

As you can see, pedir follows an irregular stem change in the third person singular and plural (pidió, pidieron), where the “e” in pedir changes to “i.” This is a common stem change for -IR verbs in the preterite tense.

Usage Example in Preterite Tense

“Después de su error, pidió disculpas a sus compañeros.”
(After his mistake, he apologized to his colleagues.)

In this example, pidió disculpas refers to a completed action that occurred at a specific moment in the past.

2. Pedir Disculpas in the Imperfect Tense

The imperfect tense is used when describing actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past, or when setting the background for other actions. When using pedir disculpas in the imperfect tense, you might be describing a time when apologizing was a repeated action or providing context for another past event.

Conjugation of Pedir in the Imperfect Tense

Unlike the preterite tense, pedir is regular in the imperfect tense, so its conjugation is straightforward:

  • Yo pedía disculpas (I used to apologize)
  • Tú pedías disculpas (You used to apologize)
  • Él/ella/usted pedía disculpas (He/she/you used to apologize)
  • Nosotros/nosotras pedíamos disculpas (We used to apologize)
  • Vosotros/vosotras pedíais disculpas (You all used to apologize)
  • Ellos/ellas/ustedes pedían disculpas (They/you all used to apologize)

The imperfect tense conveys a sense of repetition or ongoing action. It might also be used to describe a situation that was happening when something else occurred.

Usage Example in Imperfect Tense

“Durante su infancia, siempre pedía disculpas después de hacer algo mal.”
(During his childhood, he always apologized after doing something wrong.)

In this sentence, pedía disculpas indicates a habitual action in the past—something that was regularly done over a period of time.

3. Pedir Disculpas in the Past Perfect Tense (Pluscuamperfecto)

The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that had occurred before another action in the past. When using pedir disculpas in this tense, you’re indicating that the apology had already been made before something else happened.

Conjugation of Pedir in the Past Perfect Tense

To form the past perfect tense, use the auxiliary verb haber in the imperfect tense followed by the past participle of pedir (pedido).

  • Yo había pedido disculpas (I had apologized)
  • Tú habías pedido disculpas (You had apologized)
  • Él/ella/usted había pedido disculpas (He/she/you had apologized)
  • Nosotros/nosotras habíamos pedido disculpas (We had apologized)
  • Vosotros/vosotras habíais pedido disculpas (You all had apologized)
  • Ellos/ellas/ustedes habían pedido disculpas (They/you all had apologized)

The past perfect tense expresses that the apology was completed before another action in the past.

Usage Example in Past Perfect Tense

“Para cuando llegó el jefe, ya habíamos pedido disculpas por el error.”
(By the time the boss arrived, we had already apologized for the mistake.)

Here, habíamos pedido disculpas shows that the apology had been made before the boss arrived.

Differences Between the Past Tenses

Understanding the distinctions between the preterite, imperfect, and past perfect tenses is key when using pedir disculpas in Spanish. Each tense provides different nuances:

  • The preterite emphasizes the completion of an apology at a specific time.
  • The imperfect highlights the habitual or ongoing nature of apologizing in the past.
  • The past perfect sets up a timeline, indicating that the apology occurred before another past action.

Contextual Usage of Pedir Disculpas in Real-Life Situations

In Spanish, just as in English, the context in which you apologize can affect how you choose to express it. Apologizing for a specific action, recurring mistakes, or explaining that an apology had already been given in the past all require a different tense. Let’s explore these scenarios further.

Apologizing for a Specific Incident

When you want to say you apologized for a one-time event or specific situation, the preterite tense is appropriate.

“Después de la discusión, pidió disculpas por sus comentarios.”
(After the argument, he apologized for his comments.)

In this case, pidió disculpas indicates that the apology was made once the argument had ended.

Apologizing for a Habitual Action

If you’re describing a situation where you apologized regularly, the imperfect tense is more suitable.

“Siempre pedía disculpas cuando llegaba tarde a las reuniones.”
(He always apologized when he arrived late to meetings.)

Here, pedía disculpas describes a repeated action over a period of time.

Apologizing Before Another Action

When narrating a series of events and mentioning that you apologized before something else happened, the past perfect is the best choice.

“Ya había pedido disculpas cuando llegó la noticia.”
(I had already apologized when the news arrived.)

This emphasizes that the apology was made before another event.

Common Mistakes When Using Pedir Disculpas in the Past Tense

Even advanced Spanish learners sometimes make mistakes when using pedir disculpas in the past tense. Here are some common errors and tips to avoid them:

1. Using the Wrong Tense

One of the most frequent mistakes is confusing the preterite and imperfect tenses. Remember that the preterite is for completed actions, while the imperfect is for habitual or ongoing actions.

  • Incorrect: “Ayer pedía disculpas por llegar tarde.”
    (Corrected: “Ayer pedí disculpas por llegar tarde.”)

In this example, the preterite pedí disculpas should be used because it refers to a specific moment in time.

2. Forgetting the Stem Change in the Preterite

Pedir undergoes a stem change in the third person singular and plural in the preterite tense. Forgetting this change is a common mistake.

  • Incorrect: “Él pedio disculpas.”
    (Corrected: “Él pidió disculpas.”)

The stem changes from e to i in the third person: pidió, pidieron.

3. Misplacing the Past Participle in the Past Perfect

In the past perfect tense, the past participle pedido must follow the conjugated form of haber.

  • Incorrect: “Ya pedido habíamos disculpas cuando llegó.”
    (Corrected: “Ya habíamos pedido disculpas cuando llegó.”)

Always place haber first, followed by the past participle pedido.


1. What is the difference between pedí disculpas and pedía disculpas?
Pedí disculpas refers to a one-time action in the past, while pedía disculpas suggests a repeated or habitual action in the past.

2. How do I say “I had apologized” in Spanish?
“I had apologized” in Spanish is había pedido disculpas, using the past perfect tense.

3. Is pedir disculpas an irregular verb?
Pedir is irregular in the preterite tense, with a stem change from e to i in the third person forms (pidió, pidieron). In other tenses, it is conjugated regularly.

4. When should I use the past perfect tense with pedir disculpas?
Use the past perfect when describing an apology that occurred before another action in the past, such as había pedido disculpas (I had apologized).

5. Can I use pedir disculpas in other tenses, like the future or conditional?
Yes, you can use pedir disculpas in any tense. For example, pediré disculpas (I will apologize) in the future, or pediría disculpas (I would apologize) in the conditional.


Mastering the use of pedir disculpas in the past tense is an essential skill for Spanish learners. Whether you’re describing a one-time apology, a habitual practice, or something that happened before another event, the key is to choose the correct past tense—preterite, imperfect, or past perfect. By understanding the nuances of each tense, you’ll be able to express apologies clearly and accurately in any context.

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