Advanced Search On Twitter: How to Search For Information On Twitter
Measuring and analyzing hashtags has become a necessary task within any communication or marketing department. It is mandatory to search Twitter for the content that can best help our company. Searching on Twitter is becoming more and more important. Not only for marketing departments or agencies, but for anyone interested in finding information. The other side of the coin is the analysis of users and followers on Twitter .
How to do an advanced search on Twitter
Searching Twitter is an art and Twitter’s advanced search is the brush with which we will be able to create masterpieces. Advanced search is operated using a series of advanced commands (or operators) that can be inserted directly into the Tweet Binder search engine or into Twitter. In this way, we can search for old or old tweets. That is, search for tweets by date and find the information for the day or days that interests us. Or, for example, see only tweets from an account that mention a specific word. On Twitter we can search for hashtags, words, accounts, links, etc.: everything that fits in a tweet.
To use the advanced search in Tweet Binder we just have to write the advanced commands (which we will see below) in the search box. This way we will obtain the tweets and a complete report.
In addition, we can perform the advanced search on Twitter through its form on its own website. Once there, we must fill in the fields we need to launch our advanced search . Within this form, we find different criteria by which we can define our search. This will only show us tweets, not statistics. Twitter’s advanced search engine is one of the best marketing tools on the market. We can also do this through the Tweets API .
How to Search Old Tweets: Search Tweets by Date
One of the most used options is to search for tweets by date . When finding the oldest relevant tweets from a specific time period, we can select the start and end date. In this way, we can delimit and see only those tweets that have been sent during the time frame that interests us. We have to keep in mind that we will not receive retweets after that day as a result, even if the original tweet is in time.
Filtering tweets by date and searching for old tweets is a widely used solution. With Tweet Binder, you can analyze tweets without a date limit . That is, you can search for a hashtag since 2009 and you will get all the Twitter statistics . These historical reports are configured and carried out from the tool. How to specify a search by date?
Steps to find a person’s old tweets
We can search for those old tweets sent by the account that interests us. We will achieve it by following these steps:
Log in to with our Twitter account
Decide which account we want to search for old tweets from (e.g. @netflix)
Then, write in the search engine: from:@netflix since:2021-05-01 until:2022-05-01
This search for old tweets from an account can be done from Tweet Binder as well . The advantage we will have from Tweet Binder is that we will also have an analytical report for that account with all its old tweets.
How to search for tweets from a specific moment: search for tweets by hour
If we don’t want to analyze entire days but rather a specific hour or few minutes , we can do so. We have two options to do this since Twitter allows it:
Search tweets by hour by entering the time and our time zone in the search
Search tweets by hour by converting time to UNIX time
Both methods are effective and give the same results, although the first is perhaps a little more convenient for filtering tweets by date.
Method 1 : we will write our hashtag followed by the SINCE and/or UNTIL command, the date and time joined by underscores and the time zone, like this: since:2022-04-19_07:09:28_UTC for example, if we want to have an analysis of tweets only from 10 in the morning (UTC time) on March 5, 2023 about the hashtag #SocialMedia, we will write the following query:
#SocialMedia since:2023-03-05_10:00:00_UTC until:2023-03-05_11:00:00_UTC
Method 2 : We look for tweets with the time in UNIX time and the since_time until_time commands. To do this, we must convert the time we want into “unix time.” Unix time counts the seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970. It is a widely used measurement in programming.
Tweet search
The importance of knowing the activity of our campaigns on Twitter is unquestionable. For this it is essential to find the appropriate information to analyze. In this post we will explain how to search for tweets in a quick and practical way. For example, we will see what the main Twitter advanced search commands are, which allow:
Search tweets by date
Search by photo on Twitter
Search old or old tweets
Perform a search excluding types of tweets
Get tweets with retweets
Thanks to the Tweet Binder tweet search engine , we can create multiple searches as we just saw. This tweet search engine can do a lot of good for our marketing strategy because it will make us find everything we are looking for in a short time. However, there is one part of Twitter statistics that we cannot forget. Twitter statistics offered by the social network itself through its user panel.
Twitter advanced search metrics for communication strategy
As marketing professionals, it is in our hands to develop the communication strategy and campaigns on Twitter. But also delve deeper and analyze hashtags and their impact and engagement among the audience we target. Thanks to Twitter Analytics , we will be able to discover all the statistics related to our Twitter account and through Tweet Binder , we will track all the metrics about hashtags, mentions or searches. Don’t forget to use the advanced search commands.
Now is your time, put all these guidelines into practice to get the most out of advanced search on Twitter. If you need to analyze any of those searches and get your Twitter analytics report , feel free to visit
Using all these types of search commands allows us to obtain really interesting reports. That is, with these advanced search commands you will become an advanced user. The ideal is to try. Make mistakes without fear and find the best way to get to what interests us. It is very simple if we apply ourselves and try. Not only for us, but also to provide valuable content and know how to detect it.
Try our reports now using Twitter’s advanced search. Also, if you have any questions or would like to talk to us to better explain everything, we are here. By email, Skype or Twitter we will be attentive to help you get the most out of the data analyzed on We will be happy to help you.